Silver Bulletin

Silverstring take on Cloud Object Storage

Posted by: Alistair Mackenzie

At a roundtable event earlier this summer, a group of IBM business partners, including Silverstring’s CEO gathered to discuss the key trends and challenges facing their industries and their customers.

One of the key disruptors in all industries is data growing exponentially at an accelerated pace. Questions of how you store and access data and move and share information are also becoming critical in the world of globalization.

Facing unprecedented data growth, IT organizations are now tasked with finding ways to efficiently preserve, protect, analyze and maximize the value of their unstructured data as it grows to petabytes and beyond. IBM Cloud Object Storage is designed to handle unstructured data at web-scale with industry-leading flexibility, scale and simplicity.

After attending the event, Alistair Mackenzie summed up how Cloud Object Storage will help solve the problems and become the future of storage with the following quote:

“Cloud Object Storage is a way companies can dynamically allocate data, move data, access information in a much more progressive dynamic way than was previously possible in the more traditional models of storage.”

Watch the full interview here:

For more information on Cloud Object Storage please get in contact and fill in the form below.

Posted by: Alistair Mackenzie on August 21, 2016

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