Silver Bulletin

Should You Be Backing Up Containers?

Posted by: Rick Norgate

At first glance, containers seem like temporary instances that don’t require backup. Containers are designed to be lightweight, short-lived environments for running applications or microservices. This might lead you to assume that since they can be quickly recreated, backup isn’t necessary. However, the reality is a bit more complex and depends on how you’re managing both your application and its data.

The Nature of Containers

Containers (such as those created using Docker or OpenShift) are often short-lived. They can be spun up or down based on demand, which means you don’t need to back up the container itself. If a container fails, it can easily be restarted from the base image, making backing up the actual running container redundant. However, as container technology has evolved, so too have the ways we use containers, especially in relation to persistent data.

Persistent Data in Containers

When containers were first introduced, they were mainly used for stateless applications, meaning they didn’t store any data that needed to persist beyond the life of the container. But today, containers are often used for stateful applications, including databases, and this changes the equattion entirely. If you store data in a file system or volume attached to a container, that data needs to be protected, just as it would if it were in a traditional virtual machine (VM) or physical server.

The Challenge of Backing Up Container Data

Backing up container data introduces challenges that differ from traditional methods. For example, in a VM, data is tied directly to the machine and is easily identified by a name or other metadata. But containers use GUID-style identifiers, making it more difficult to track and back up data consistently. This is especially true when applications scale up or down dynamically. One day your application might have 10 containers, and the next only 5, each with different volumes.

What’s the Right Approach?

The key to backing up container data lies in understanding your application’s data model and knowing how bests to protect it. Should you back up at the application level or at the file system level? Do you need to protect the entire data set or just specific pieces? The answer will depend on your particular use case, but one thing is certain: while you don’t need to back up the containers themselves, you absolutely need a strategy for protecting the data associated with them.


Containers may have been designed to be short-lived, but the data they handle can be crucial to your business. As more companies rely on stateful applications in containerised environments, having a clear strategy for protecting that data is essential. Understanding the nuances of container backup will ensure you’re not caught off guard when something goes wrong.

In a world of ever-evolving technology, one thing remains constant: your data matters. Make sure you’re backing up what counts. If you would like guidance and advice on protecting your Container environment reach out to us using the link below.

Posted by: Rick Norgate on June 28, 2024

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